
#Pitching Companies! Introducing Exciting Instruments

Introducing Another Pitching Company: Exciting Instruments! Tim Craggs & Robert Bell

Ampere.Events is delighted to announce that Exciting Instruments will be one of the companies presenting their deck at our upcoming Investor + Pitching Event, on March 26th!

Ampere will welcome Tim Craggs (Founder & CEO) and Robert Bell (Co-Founder & COO) to showcase the remarkable technologies they have developed at Exciting Instruments.


Cells under Microscope

Exciting Instruments Ltd is pioneering a revolution in molecular sensing. Their vision is for a world free from cancer and dementia, which they will achieve through the earliest possible detection of these debilitating diseases. Their unique business model allows them to generate revenue at every step of our company’s growth. 

Their first product, the EI-FLEX, is the only benchtop instrument capable of detecting and characterising individual molecules in liquid samples. Since spinning out from the University of Sheffield in September 2021, EI have bootstrapped the company, developing the products and the sales pipeline in parallel, generating £1.2M in sales revenue. EI are now expanding our customer base to industrial clients (Pharma and Biotech), and developing a range of diagnostics for cancer and dementia. 

The Team
Tim Craggs, Founder and CEO

An internationally renowned expert in the development and application of the study of single molecules and inventor of the EI-FLEX. With a PhD (Cambridge, 2007) in Biophysics, Tim’s vision provides the north star, to which EI is accelerating towards

Robert Bell, Co-Founder and COO

With more than a decade of experience in technology, including an extensive background as a software engineer, consultant, leading teams, and managing commercial relationships, Rob is an expert in integration and execution, bringing a laser focus to Tim’s vision, which has enabled EI to successfully develop new products, markets and customers, in parallel in a very short time frame.

The Market

The nascent molecular diagnostics market is currently estimated at $5B with 10-15% CAGR and huge growth potential as innovative new technologies such as those EI are developing for cancer and dementia become more widely available.

As part of EI’s unique business model, they are also selling instruments to researchers in a range of settings (Spectroscopic Instrument market $6.1B, 4.8% CAGR), with recurring revenue in consumables (Reagents and kits market, £35B, 5.2% CAGR).

Microscope Close-Up of Cells

The team have mitigated key early technical and commercial risks, by building product and selling into US and UK markets and have established key partnerships with industrial and academic partners, developing a new diagnostic for Parkinson’s Disease.

They are looking for mission-driven investment partners to unlock civilisation-level impact, in their £3M seed round, enabling them to accomplish key milestones (revenue, product development and regulatory) before a large series A raise in 24 months’ time.

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