Acceleration Philosophy & Membership

We’re a collaborative network of cooperative societies of venture company builders, made of both experienced and inexperienced venturers. We’re collaborating as Fellows and Founders for the greater good to build and accelerate venture companies through a proven structure that has been modernised for the venture-tech era. Many of our Fellows have changed the world, and are here to help Founders uncap their ambition and do just that.

  • Pool our resources, contacts and experience; 
  • Build a global network for distribution; 
  • Streamline fundraising and reduce its burden on our time;
  • Access non-dilutive funding through collaborative bids and experienced bid writers; 
  • Secure the best deals for our companies by building our numbers (premises, insurances, employee benefits, legal); 
  • Look after and support each other, to believe in one another.
  • Ensure the best positive impact we can have on our community, society and the world.

The Venture.Community logo represents the rising sun over the sea, we see the early stages of venture as a parallel of the journey of a hatchling turtle from hatching (Pre-Seed), to reaching the water (Series A). We’re here to guide and accelerate this journey and reduce the attrition of high potential startups from preventable failures. Through sharing a small portion of our equity to community ownership, we bring a culture of collaboration that we call “the rising tide”.

Fellows get to join on their historic merit. As a Founder you’ll be invited to join on the basis of the merit of what you’re building, and the sponsorship of a Fellow.

Once you’re in, you’re in, we recognise the full membership of people (unincorporated persons), rather than your product (Associated Companies). There is no end to the cohort, acceleration or benefits provided. Our Fellows, Angels and Supporting Funds typically invest significantly into businesses, and historically multi-million £ rounds have been closed, and multiple rounds per company are typical.Our membership operates to democratic principles and secure benefits for their community, their companies and their teams. We work together to look after each other, our people and our companies.

Should you not be successful, please don’t worry, this is often about timing and the potential of your technology or ambition. We operate associate memberships that may help you secure benefits without acceleration. Acceleration and Full Membership is limited only to the most experienced and the most exciting, and it is subject to sponsorship from a Fellow. You can continually reapply, and you can meet our Full Members and Fellows at our open “Venture.Community Events”.

Application without attendance to Venture.Community Events is permitted, but we generally highlight that participation may greatly increase your chances of success, as you absorb our philosophies, uncap your ambition and build relationship with our Fellows!

Terms For Founders

All Full Members (including Founder and Fellows) have a minimum commitment of investment in Venture.Community, and mutually share in any surplus in a cooperative way. In other words – your buy-in also buys you a piece of the upside, and a degree of protection.

  • If you’re successful, full terms will be issued for your consideration.
  • For each Associated Company brought in for acceleration, there is an entry fee of 2.7% of the company’s equity (smaller % are considered for later stage companies). There is an annual fee of £450.
  • Arrangements with the Fellows’ boutiques are separate, but are typically 2% (equity over 3yrs) and £2k/month (with an option to defer until closing the next fundraise). The Fellows are expected to take a non-executive directorship for this and assist directly in fund-raising. For more hands-on assistance this fee structure increases, but follows our central guidance template.
  • Share of funds raised – to fund our operational costs, Venture.Community takes a 6% share of funds raised from our full, associated members, and supporting funds.
  • Any surplus from the community is periodically redistributed to Full Members and their nominated Associated Companies, the rising tide floats all boats.
  • Founders should note that they may be subject to a distribution should their company fail, and this would need to be declared as income to HMRC.

The application is to be filled in by the Founder of the organisation seeking Acceleration. The deadline for submission is June 30th.

*All information disclosed through this application process will be kept confidential between the applicant, Venture.Community Staff, the admissions committee, and boutiques who have NDAs with Venture.Community.*