doctor pointing to an mri scan

#Pitching Companies! Introducing Gold Standard Phantoms

Introducing Another Pitching Company: Gold Standard Phantoms! Xavier Golay & Aaron Oliver Taylor

Ampere.Events is delighted to announce that Gold Standard Phantoms will be one of the companies presenting their deck at our upcoming Investor + Pitching Event, on March 26th!

Ampere will welcome Xavier Golay (Co-Founder & CEO) and Aaron Oliver-Taylor (Co-Founder & CTO) to showcase the remarkable technologies they have developed at Gold Standard Phantoms.

GSP originated from London but has relocated to Sheffield, following an emerging trend of companies migrating to the secret Startup capital of the UK. For GSP, Sheffield was the obvious choice given its access to two major Universities, facilities such as the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC), as well as several major teaching hospitals.

Close-Up Shot of MRI Results

About Gold Standard Phantoms

Gold Standard Phantoms are revolutionising the utility and capability of MRI scans. Providing a combination of Hard and Software GSP have inaugurated quantifiable standardised analysis of diagnostics, unlocking interoperatability and early disease detection in this crucial industry.

In a world where the accuracy of medical diagnoses hinges on the quality and consistency of imaging, GSP’s products emerge as indispensable tools. They not only enhance the reliability of diagnostic outcomes but also pave the way for personalised medicine, ensuring that treatments are tailored to the unique needs of each patient. By addressing the critical challenge of variability in imaging results, GSP empowers healthcare professionals to make informed decisions with confidence, and more importantly acts as a linchpin to unleash the full power of artificial intelligence used for computed aided diagnosis (CAD), ultimately improving patient outcomes and advancing global healthcare standards.

GSP stands at the forefront of a ground-breaking evolution in medical imaging, embodying precision, reliability, and innovation. Founded on the principle that accurate diagnosis is the cornerstone of effective treatment, GSP introduced over the last 9 years an unparalleled suite of quality assurance and calibration devices, called phantoms, designed to revolutionise the field of MRI. These phantoms, meticulously engineered to simulate the physical properties of human tissue, offer a new benchmark in the validation and standardisation of imaging techniques across the whole MRI field.

GSP’s has recently developed the first-ever one-stop-shop calibration technology. Combining embedded phantoms with calibration software provided through a subscription, as software as a medical device (SaaMD). Early results from this ground-breaking technology received a lot of interest from the major OEMs in this sector at the recent European Congress of Radiology held in Vienna at the beginning of March.

The Team

Co-founders Prof Xavier Golay, Dr Aaron Oliver-Taylor, and Dr Tom Hampshire, initially crossed paths in their separate departments at University College London. Having worked together since 2014, the team combined comes with more than 50 years of experience in the field.

Xavier Golay

Xavier Golay, Co-Founder & CEO, started his PhD in MRI in 1994, and pursued a career that brought him from Switzerland to UCL as Professor of MR Physics, via Johns Hopkins in the USA and Philips Healthcare in Singapore. In June 2023, he decided that he could no longer sustain both academic and commercial activities and gave up his post at UCL to take over the helm of the company full-time.

Aaron Oliver-Taylor

Aaron Oliver Taylor, Co-Founder & CTO, finished his PhD in MRI in 2012 at UCL, where he met Xavier and first talked about developing calibration devices for MRI, which eventually led to the foundation of GSP. Aaron is an amazing multitasker, with a breadth of knowledge spanning chemistry, electronics, imaging, and hardware development. He has worked at the company as CTO since its inception.

Tom Hampshire

Tom Hampshire, Co-Founder & CIO, is a computer scientist and software engineer, with a PhD in Medical Image Computing (2013). Tom has been the driving force behind the software development of the company. With such skills, he was a natural third founder to the team, helping shape the company into what it has become today.

The Market

Annually more than 125,000,000 MRI scans are performed each year. Globally over 5000 MRI machines are bought yearly with an estimated 50,000 currently installed in OECD countries.

With a global market worth $5.2B in 2023 and a CAGR of 5%, GSP is positioned to capture a sizable share with its potentially revolutionary technology.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Machine and Nurse


GSP has created a potentially market-leading technology providing a >50x opportunity for investors. With their multi-revenue structure and Deep tech SaaMD model, GSP is ready to hyperscale.

Come and see GSP pitch for yourself at the Ampere X STP Investor Event + !Pitching (Practise)! In Sheffield, the secret Startup capital of the UK (Sssshhhh)! March 26th, 2-5 PM at Electric Works.

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